Personal Power

Every person has their own power within themselves. There are people who choose to give away their power to others due to their low self-esteem or unhealed experiences that people have gone through and never dealt with. Others choose to use their power in order to manipulate others to do their bidding. As well there are people who are unaware of their personal power.

As we age, there should be times when we take to reflect on how and where we are currently in life. Is it where you thought you would be? Does your life feel like there is something missing? What could you do in your life that could change the trajectory of your life? We all have what it takes to make a change in our life.

The way to figure out where you should be requires that you look within yourself and do the hard work to make a change. There are many self help books or therapists that could assist in this process and this is a perfect way to search within yourself to find the areas where you can improve. For those who blame others for their outcomes are too scared to look within themselves and admit that they had a part to play in their own demise.

Once you do the inner work that needs to be done, then the easier you can flow through life as you are less likely to seek validation from others in order to feel better about yourself. You should always feel like you are enough and that a person will come into your life to compliment where you are. When you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses you can be better equipped to choose a person who will uplift you rather than keep you down. There is power in loving and knowing yourself, which no one can take away from you. We all hold our personal power and should trust in ourselves that we can survive anything and to take a leap of faith. Once you choose to go outside your comfort zone, that is where you can find more strength in yourself.

No one has the ability to take any power away from you, you choose to give it away. How you present yourself will direct the way you will be treated. When you let yourself be dependant on someone else for your happiness, you will lose your personal power that allows you to be an individual. Allow yourself to enjoy life and your connections and there is power to be had in positivity.

Joanne Robinson

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